I just want to let you know about a new development I’ve just launched on my website. All my routes are now downloadable to your Garmin or other GPS device and smartphone, whether it’s an iPhone or Android. My routes can also be printed from the same link. CorsicaCyclist remains completely commerce free in every respect so there are no charges – all the routes are absolutely free as is the RouteYou app you will need to download to your phone. All I ask in return is for any feedback you have about a route you ride especially so if you think a correction is required!
Corsica remains a hugely under developed road cycling destination and that is one of the great attractions about riding here. Whilst there are more cyclists around particularly post Tour de France, it's not on nearly the same level as say the Alps or Majorca. Having said that visitors to my site have exceeded 10,000 in the last twelve months and the number is growing with around 1,200 in the last four weeks. I can see from Google analytics that just 5.5% of visitors are in my age range, 75% are 18 to 44 years. I had expected the gender split to be more male dominated but it is in fact 45% female, 55% male. Clearly the females are riding different routes to me! The largest proportion of visitors are from the UK (28%) followed by France (13%) and the US (10%). Interestingly in the last month I had one visitor from Yangon in Mynamar who stayed for 3 minutes and twenty seconds - I wonder if they'll make the trip to ride here?
So please help yourself to the routes and as always if I can help with any questions feel free to ask.
Bonne route in 2015!