What however if there aren't any shelter options available and that is certainly a real possibility if not probability here and in other less populated places we love to ride? A review of the literature and guidance says:
- don't be the tallest object around
- leave high ground such as ridges and cols i.e. turn around and ride down hill as fast as is safe to do so
- avoid lone trees
- stay away from poles, pylons and fences
- avoid ditches especially so if there's water around - avoid all contact with water e.g. streams
- if there's no shelter available and you're in the open then separate yourself from your bike (regardless of what it's made from), separate yourself from your companions and squat on the balls of your feet with head on chest/legs and hands over ears - the aim is to minimize your size and contact with the ground. This is known as the lightning crouch!
- if a vehicle comes by don't be afraid to ask for a lift to the next village or town
Of course it is advisable to check the weather before setting off, Two very good sources for Corsica are Corse Matin either online or inside the back page of the daily paper and, France Météo.
The probability of being struck by lightning is of course very slim but as we saw recently it can happen and it's best to take precautions if you get caught out. Do let me know if you have any other and/or different advice.